Applications & Services Division lead by the Sr. Technical Officer is responsible for the following work:

Web Portals In-house Development and Management of Institute Website
Web Applications In-house Development and Management of following Web Applications:
(a) Faculty Profile
(b) Faculty Recruitment (based on MRR)
(c) Online Testing
(d) Ph.D. Admissions
(e) Department Internet User Management
(f) User Communication Application
Web Mail Institute E-Mail Server Management
Web Services (a) Naming Service
(b) Directory Service
(c) File Sharing Service
Webcasting Webcasting Service
Support Technical Support to Companies during Placement,
Maintenance and Scheduling of CCC Lab and CLCs, Virtual Classroom

Dr. Ravindra Kumar Chouhan
Sr.Technical Officer
Abhishek K Dewangan
| Technical Assistant
Diploma in CS |
Mukesh Panday
| Trainee Engineer
Bhupendra Sahu
| Trainee Engineer

Campus Electronic Directory Services

The directory services provide the user authentication for internet acces in the institute All the user can update and create there id from the directory services.

Campus Electronic Mail

The institute mail server is managed by the web application development team It includes user creation, password reseting, user deletion and other mail related issues.

Institute Website

The Institute website is developed by the application development team of central computer center This is completely inhouse development and managed by the web application development team.

Major achievements of this group include in-house development and successful deployment of some useful Application & Services and services for the Institute including the Faculty Recruitment Application, the Admissions Application, and the Online Testing Application besides the Institute Directory Services which is used for Internet Access Authentication in the Institute and Webcasting Services.

Dr. Ravindra Kumar Chouhan